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Growing Up & Education
I grew up in the south suburbs of Chicago with a big, loud extended family (think "My Big Fat Greek Wedding"). My love of math and science brought me to a small, but mighty engineering school in Terre Haute, IN; Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology. While completing a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering, I worked for large corporations like GE, Weyerhauser, Federal Signal and Cook Medical in everything from medical R&D to lean manufacturing. Upon graduation, I knew I wanted to do more than the typical engineering roles had to offer. I wanted to understand businesses as a whole and impact them in a big way. This led to a M.S. in Engineering Management degree and, later, a MBA from The University of Tulsa.
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The World of Start-Ups
During the last year of my MBA program, I participated in a business plan competition, pitched to investors and large audiences, won $10K, and was hooked. My first start-up position was at a Tulsa-based pre-revenue company with an exciting environmentally-friendly drilling technology. After helping raise over $11 million in non-dilutive funding and starting several spin-off businesses, I was offered the opportunity to work with an investor-backed ed-tech company. I spent several years selling and marketing an online automatic grading solution to physics departments at universities and colleges around the country.  
Spreading the Love
While working in start-ups, pitching to investors, teaching Entrepreneurship at TU, coaching aspiring entrepreneurs and judging business plan competitions, I had a realization: 
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So, I started Propelled Marketing to take everything I had learned in engineering and start-ups and apply it to technology companies looking to grow. My client list has included everything from manufacturers to SaaS companies and everything in between. At the end of the day, if there's technology involved and a desire to grow, I'm in!
I Get By With A Little Help From My Friends
While I fully manage client relationships and their overall growth strategies, I work with a trusted network of specialists in each of Propelled Marketing's service offerings. Depending on the size, depth and type of engagement, I'll use their up-to-date expertise for the nitty-gritty. This "deconstructed agency" model allows us to put all of your budget towards actual work, rather than overhead. 

Want me to work with your own team of trusted employees or contractors? Sure thing! I do it often and enjoy it. 

Let's Connect!

Tell me how I can help below or contact me directly.

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P.O. Box 420487
Houston, TX 77242

(815) 546-8396
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